Bekah Fitness, Kenosha, WI

Bekah Crotteau Fitness | Personal Training

Kenosha Personal Trainer, Bekah Crotteau
Bekah Crotteau Fitness

Kenosha Review: So you have 2 kids, Bekah, how do you find the time and energy to run this business? 

Bekah: Haha, good question. At first, I was very motivated to get rid of baby weight. Then I realized it really made me feel better overall as a person, wife, and mom. I was able to work out stress and tension. And it really started to become an outlet and time for myself. I eventually joined the Kenosha YMCA and with their childcare, I was very motivated to get 2 hours to myself šŸ˜‰ But I used it wisely to become healthier and stronger. Now itā€™s a habit that I truly miss it when I donā€™t get to it.

KR: You graduated from a few schools? 

Bekah: I have an Associate degree in Health & Fitness and Nutrition from Purdue Calumet University 2011. I recently got certified as a personal trainer in June of this year (2022). 

KR: Why do you think lifting is important? 

Bekah: Itā€™s so important and I donā€™t think we all realize the number of benefits that come from it. I know we all can benefit from more movement and becoming stronger in any way. Lifting weights along with corrective exercises helps us have better posture and less pain. It helps us do all our other daily activities with more ease. It has the ability to help us stay mobile, active, and independent as we get older.

KR: Why are you passionate about helping people with their fitness? 

Bekah: I love helping others see the many benefits of fitness and getting stronger. I love when it clicks with them. When they feel better, sleep better and notice results. And how they feel good about themselves for putting in hard work when itā€™s not always easy.

KR: What makes you different than Planet Fitness or Anytime Fitness? 

Bekah: Everything I do with a client is personalized to them, their goals, posture dysfunctions, pain, or discomfort, likes and dislikes. I continue the coaching thru the week when weā€™re not together. I give you the plan to follow thatā€™s designed to see progress in strength and help fix posture dysfunctions. Iā€™m available for questions and happy to help my clients anytime. This journey is not a ā€œ2 sessions a weekā€ journey. Itā€™s a daily challenge and sometimes a minute-by-minute decision to choose health instead of indulgences. I want to make my clients comfortable reaching out to me for advice, motivation, questions, or even permission to give themselves grace in busy/difficult times. 

KR: Do you have a black Friday discount? 

Bekah: No. But my prices for 1:1 on training are very reasonable right now. Lower than anywhere else youā€™ll find locally. I plan on raising them in the new year. So if anyone signs up with me before January theyā€™ll be locked into my low prices šŸ˜Š

I also plan to launch a strength program with an app in January. Follow my social media or get on my email list for more info on that! 

KR: Is there anything else you want to add or omit? 

Bekah: Iā€™ll also be publishing a 3 Month Strength eBook. This will be available for a one-time purchase and yours to keep. It includes ways to progress and switch things up to make it work for 3 months or more. Itā€™s in the rough draft stages and off to be edited. Follow along for updates!

Also, I have a garage gym equipped with plenty of equipment to get in a great workout. Local clients donā€™t need to join a gym. They can utilize mine and have it to themselves. No need to worry about venturing into the busy weight room or trying to figure out equipment for the first time. Iā€™ll be by their side, demonstrating the exercise and the equipment, watching form the whole time.

Bekah Crotteau Fitness

Based in Kenosha, WI. Find out more here:

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