kenosha web design banner

Kenosha Web Design – Revolutionizing Local Business Marketing with AI

Don (Kenosha Review): Hey there, folks! Today we’re diving into the wild world of web design, marketing, and lead generation for local businesses. And who better to guide us through this digital maze than the fabulous Jean from Kenosha Web Design? Jean, thanks for being here! Jean (Kenosha Web Design): Oh, it’s a pleasure, Don!…

Kenosha Roof Repairs

Kenosha Roof Repair

Interview with Chad from Kenosha Roof Repair Don: Good day, readers! Today on Kenosha Review, we have Chad from Kenosha Roof Repair joining us to shed some light on roof repairs, replacements, and answer some of the frequently asked questions about roofing. Chad, welcome and thank you for taking the time to chat with us…

Stretch Hummer limo service

Kenosha Limo Service

Interviewer (Don): Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. This is Don from Kenosha Review, and today I’m delighted to be here with Mac, the business manager of Kenosha Limo Service. How are you doing today, Mac? Mac (Business Owner): Hi Don, I’m doing great, thank you. It’s a pleasure to be here and chat with you….

Kodiak Firearm Training CCW

Kirbey Hook, Owner of Kodiak’s Firearm Training

Don (KR): Good morning, everyone. We’re here today with Kirbey Hook, the owner of Kodiak’s Firearm Training, a prominent name in firearm education and self-defense training here in Kenosha. Kirbey, thank you for joining us. Kirbey Hook (KH): Thank you for having me. It’s great to be here. KR: To start off, could you tell…

Charging Bull Auto Body Kenosha Collision Repair Specialists

Charging Bull Auto Body, Kenosha Collision Repair

Interview with Dante The Kenosha Review is speaking with Dante, the owner of Charging Bull Auto Body in Kenosha, Wisconsin. This family-owned and operated business are ASE certified, with Dante boasting over 20 years of experience in the collision repair industry. Today, they will discuss the top five questions asked about collision repair. Q1: How…